Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wasted Opportunity

I write a lot about food, behavior and attitudes. It's a way for me to vent out my frustration with people and hopefully a way for you (generally speaking of course) to view things in a different light. 

Many people find it difficult to motivate themselves, I can understand that, I work harder when I am in a group and someone is pushing me, its my competitive nature. "there's no way she's going to get more push ups than me" The same thing happens with food. Here we are, Maximum Fitness, running a 90 Day Challenge to get you on your feet and to help you lose weight for summer. It's an awesome opportunity and honestly its time to start upping the ante NOW. Unless of course you could care less how you look , feel, etc., but I highly doubt this is the case. Everyone wants to look good and feel good, you are no exception to that. 

When we offered the 90 Day Challenge, we had several people voice complaints over the length of the challenge. Why? Why would you complain about something we are offering you, after all you did voice your concerns over nutrition on numerous, numerous occasions (I have the voices in my head to prove it).   We want to help you succeed and show you a different kind of lifestyle that you WILL grow accustomed to and even like. I feel like a parent with unruly children sometimes, WE ALL want what's best for you. WE ALL want you to succeed in your health journey and WE ALL want to help you get there. It's an amazing feeling accomplishing something that a lot of people look down on. Your friends and family who aren't on board just want you to fail so that they can feel better by their lack of commitment to their own health. 

So we offered a 30 day challenge and we've had several people sign up for it and I think its awesome. But where are all the others who requested a shorter challenge?  You asked for it, we gave it, now what's the excuse? 

If you can honestly eat right on your own-GO YOU!! I truly mean that and I will be your cheerleader for life, (just let me know so I can go buy the outfit and cheer you on at dinner time) But most people need accountability and that's what we are here for! You have to be willing to make the changes necessary in your life-Yes, its way easier to throw a processed meal in the microwave, but think about this: Do you want your children, your family to suffer later in life just because it's easier now? Don't we teach our children to not take the easy way out and to work for the things you want?  Just some thoughts for you to think about! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

When you want it, you do it!

As many of you already know, I am former chiropractic office manager, and currently a client relation specialist (among other things) at Maximum Fitness. It's a personal training facility in Mt. Washington, we even won Best Gym and Best Personal Training (yes, I just plugged that). I work out regularly, though its not so much as working out as it is training my body for anything and everything. I eat well, but by no means am I perfect. I am human, like everyone else. I fail but I get back up again. Getting back up again is the most important part.

You've got to have goals and you've got to work for them. I get so tired of hearing people complain about not being able to lose weight or eat right. I've heard it all at this point and I haven't even been here that long. As someone who coaches people and helps them, for free might I add, I get frustrated when I waste my breath. ( I now know why Kyle used to just drop his head and shake it if I complained about food) If you aren't going to follow a plan that works, I'm not going to waste my time. Imagine you scolding your child for getting into the cookie jar, day after damn day. You get irritated at some point right and you just want to yell. "I've told you 100 times to not do that".  You know I'm right. 

I'm not a doctor, nor am I someone with degrees in nutriton, BUT I will tell you I have alot of experience in nutrition. I fought my own battles, learned to cook only 1 year ago, when I started boot camp. Kyle told me I had to follow this diet, I had to learn to cook and honestly I was pissed. Like I don't have enough to do as it is. Uggh. If I left the cooking to someone else, say my fat loving, butter pouring, fried food husband, well,  I was going to remain fat.

You control what you put in your body. When you do control what you put in your body and its the "right" fuel, you go further. Your energy lasts longer. If you have more energy, you accomplish more, meaning more energy to cook or play with your child or work out harder. If you are working out harder and making healthier food choices then you will see results in your performance, weight and overall health. All this sounds elementary but sometimes people need to hear it, read it, see it.

I work 11-12 hours everyday, plus I do all the laundry at home, cleaning, and most of the cooking (now that I have Davey converted he helps). I also work part time at the chiropractic clinic on the weekends. I still find time to cook. I usually make alot of something and eat on it for a couple days, plan snacks etc. If I can do it, you can do it. Instead of sitting down when you get home from work, start cooking, get everything done for the next day. Then sit down and rest. If you're anything like me, once I sit my butt on the couch, its pure relax mode after that. I still manage to be in bed by 10 or 1030 every night.

 Now, if you read this and think I'm talking to you in particular, well I am. If you read this and start getting defensive or start making excuses..then that's why I posted this. I'm not singling anyone out,  I want everyone to succeed.

When you want it, you do it! *stepping off soap box*

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Coming into CrossFit

Sadly, as some of you may know, I have quit Killer Kyle Boot Camp. What?! You're saying, no boot camp? What about all that hard work you've been doing for a year? What about the 28 day challenge and all this Paleo talk? Well.....

I've entered a new world. I was nervous at first and honestly, was considering not even trying it. I kept hearing about these killer WODs (Work out of the day), different exercise, I mean what the hell is a snatch. I know what the urban meaning of snatch is...but an exercise? What the hell. Finally I told myself, I'm not going to hold myself back because of some stupid fear I might fail. Just do it. (Yes, I often pep talk myself-so what)So...I did it.

I started on a cold Saturday morning (not counting the 300 burpee, 150 squat session Jess and I did) and we ran outside with a 25 pound weight for a mile. Then we went inside and did so much more, felt like a little of everthing, then we ran 2.5 more miles carrying a 25 pound weight again. The whole time I was thinking, what did I get myself into..but I did it. Even finished, out of breath, worn out and exhilerated. It's truly amazing what the human body really can do.

I was sore, tired, hungry and I felt GREAT. It had been a long time since I felt that good after a work out. Boot camp always did it for me, but CrossFit, well its amazing. I can tell a difference in my body after only one week. It actually makes me in a good mood-after-of course. I'm really excited to see if I've improved and by how much in a month, I may go back and re-do some of those exercises just to see.

Some of the WODs seem super easy, and they are usually the hardest. But you keep giving it all you got, you keep pushing until your done, and when you finish-you finally breathe. You recover. And you prepare and look forward to the next time. That's all for now folks, I'll keep you posted on progress.