Saturday, November 5, 2011

Week One ~ Smashed!

Week one is over and done. It was a rough week. I was more sore than I have been in a long time. Mostly my legs since my arms are carrying around a 13 pound 7 week old and are bulking up. I thought since I carried around so much weight during pregnancy I would be okay, turns out..I was wrong. wrong. wrong. It's okay, I think my muscles are coming back and recognizing that they have work to do. Its still going to be a long ways away.

Most people find it hard to do things when they have a newborn, myself included. Its hard to get laundry done, to maintain a schedule, dishes, eating etc. But I force myself to take an hour out of my day, even if it means missing an hour of sleep to work out and be active. I take Greyson with me. He sits in his carrier and sleeps or watches and I work out.

Jessica and I worked out on Friday since I wasn't able to make boot camp. Although I didnt make it then, I did find time in the middle of the day to do it. Around the time I knew he'd be sleeping. We did 50 squats, 40 lunges, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups and 10 burpees. But we did it twice!! She of course beat me...but that's okay..I know I still have a long way to go. I also know that I won't give up! I've also found since I've been working out hard again that I have more I don't really miss that hour of sleep.

If you have children it's important that you set a routine for yourself, not just your child or children. You still have to eat, sleep, exercise and everything else you did before them.

1. Plan your meals ahead of time and cook in the middle of the day if you are off work. It's okay to heat things up. If you are working, take time out on the weekend to do some cooking for the week, if you find you don't have the time you want. Call a friend or family member to watch your children for a couple of hours while you do it. It WILL benefit you.
2. Consider working out the time you have to yourself each day. You don't have to think, you don't have to worry, you just do work. It will help you let off some steam as well. You won't feel so overloaded and bogged down.
3.  Drink lots of water. Sometimes when your hungry, you're actually dehydrated. It will help prevent you from snacking on anything that's bad.
4. Remember...the healthier you are, the more energy you'll have, you'll feel like a Super Mom or Dad, also you'll be providing good examples to your children. It's important that they know that exercise and a good diet are important in keeping one healthy. Greyson and I stretch everyday..well in fact, I help him stretch right now. But my plan is to stretch with him each morning and to do an activity (when he's older) that helps get him moving day I hope he will CrossFit with me!

I hope this helps new mommies and daddies. I took the first few weeks when I was recovering to think about and plan how this was going to work since Daddy isn't home a lot. Giving you something to go by and what worked for me will hopefully steer you in the right direction.

Having children doesn't mean that you can't have a healthy lifestyle. Do it. Be it. Keep it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Fat Loss Miracle Journey

So I've started working out again - 7 weeks post baby. I'm still not able to CrossFit like I want to, they said give it another couple of weeks, but I did go to boot camp. I started on Halloween..scary ehh. Musta been a full moon to get me to go since I was up with the babe quite a bit that night.

Working out was hard. It felt like I was starting from scratch again, I guess that's what pregnancy, plus 6 weeks of hospital bed rest will do for your body. Ugh. I have lead filled tree trunk least that's the amount of work I got out of them or at least seemed to. I almost even fell down some steps face first, now THAT would have been a sight to see. But I've started my journey and am going to write about it after each work out or weekly, whichever I have time for. I'd like for other people to know that it can be done because I'm going to do it, and that means its anyone's own will power to do what they want to do.