Yes it's that time of year again, where people make resolutions and stick hard to them. Well at least for the first month. Gym memberships increase while parking decreases. Yet I've always said it won't be long before there are more parking spaces available. Clearly that is the wrong attitude to have considering that our country is so obese and unhealthy. I should be happy there are no parking spots available that means people are making an effort. The problem is people give up to soon. It's so easy to tack on the weight especially over the holidays, and so hard to get it back off.
I'm struggling myself right now. This post baby body sucks. I was doing really well with my work outs and eating right and then last week while my folks were in town, I blew it. So..nothing to do but get back up and start over again.
I've set some goals for myself this year. Attainable goals. I'd like to share them with you and maybe that will hold me accountable and then also challenge me to get them done.
1. Get my pre baby body back. Man I miss that feel good naked feeling.
2. Get my personal training certification. So I can show you how to get that feel good naked feeling.
3. Be a better person. I like me, but I can definitely improve upon patience, understanding and forgiving.
4. Make all of Greyson's food - Paleo style.
I'm still working on my 5 year plan but I can't wait to share it with you once I'm done with it. Share some of your year long goals with someone, me even.
Happy New Year to Everyone ! Good Luck in 2012.