With just a few hours left in my 28 day challenge I ask myself, what will tomorrow bring? Will I be able to adhere to such a lifestyle change or will I default into old familiar patterns? How will my friends and family react to continuing on with my current eating habits? Will I let them down? Will I let myself down?
All these questions had me nervous, (yes, that does happen to me) but I over analyze things to death. My journey the last 28 days has definitely been a challenge, specially with all the traveling out of state and missing two meeting sessions. A challenge definitely worth it. It's true. I'm making this mandatory for everyone..get on board!
It wasnt just about the food for me, though that played a major role. It was about succeeding and proving other people wrong. It was about showing people that it CAN be done and it CAN feel good to accomplish something so many are against. It was about breaking bad habits and figuring out what I NEEDED as opposed to what I WANTED. It taught me alot about myself and habits I had that I didnt really know I had. Anyone ever seen Eat Pray Love? I went on my own journey and got to know myself and my body better than before. My body says thank you, yours will too.
I had to answer many questions like.."why now" and my response was why not now? I mean its easy to do it any other time of year, now is the challenge with all the extra treats and gifts of food. If I had a nickel for every time someone said, well I couldnt do it, gotta give you props, I would be a rich rich girl (and writing this from some exotic beach). Everyone CAN do it, you just have to WANT to. Most people dont have the WANT TO part down.
My goal is to continue eating this way (much to Davey's chagrin, though he did buy me a cookbook) because 1. It feels good. 2. It does taste good (despite what you may think) 3. I have personal goals to meet. 4. It makes people think about what THEY are eating. This is not to say that I will never indulge in something "sinful" (interpert that at your own discretion) and I'm definitely adding coffee back into the plan. Black please, with a tablespoon of agave, hold the creamer.
My advice to you as the new year approaches: Set a goal, tell someone (to hold yourself accountable), and do it. Love yourself enough to want to be better, do better and live better. Good Luck!!
Results of the 28 day challenge: Lost inches, lost weight, went down a whole pants size, learned many valuable lessons and met a whole group of motivated ladies who have been the best part of the whole challenge.
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