Monday, November 29, 2010

Me Vs. 28 Day Challenge Day 2...

As the party is getting ready to start, I see temptation and its friends lurking around the corner..but I'm ready for it. I unsheath my sword, preparing for battle. Temptation heads towards me first, with an elbow to his face, he falls back, but isnt quite down..Apple pie advances on me, I swing my sword and cut right through him, apparently he's used to being 'sliced'. So I round house kick him down the stairs where he turns into scrambled apple pie and is down for the count. My frenemy, Alcohol circles me, awaiting just the right opportunity, feints to the right, but I already know what he's going to do, see we've known each other for quite some time. I punch him right in the gut, he bends over and I pick him up and body slam him. His life force drains slowly into the floor...Snickerdoodle cookie screams...he's taunting me while Temptation is considering his next move...Snickerdoodle moves first and I slice him with sword, he falls and goes down. I stomp on him til he's nothing but cinnimon crumbles..Temptation runs for me and I drop kick him back into the wall and he's a goner...I sheath my sword...shew...intense 45 minutes of workout right there. I prepare myself for the day they strike again, for I know, they will be back.

Least..that's the story I'm going with...I have a flair for the dramatic, who woulda thought. Today is the start of Day 4 and me and my team of accountablility partners and some others in our group are rocking it out. We all have great support. Til next time...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

In case some people have forgotten:

In case some people have forgotten, it's not okay to be stupid. Ignorant maybe..but do you know the definition of the meaning of ignorant?

Ignorant~lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned.

It has several other similiar meanings as well, but that's basically the gist of it. With all the world wide web of convenient knowledge we have available to us, why are we still stupid?

In my line of work I deal with alot of patients. Some of them are chiropractic patients and some of them are patients of another facility that we assist. Regardless of what doctor you actually see..the same rules apply.

*If you have a stomach virus and have been throwing up all morning, don't bring that crap into my office, I am after all a chiropractic office and do not prescribe medication.  If its so awful and you can do nothing but complain about it..think about that..why pass those germs on to me and the rest of the staff/patients in the office. Reschedule your appointment.

*If I ask you how old you are...its not "about 55". You can't be "about" anything in age, you either are 55 or your not. If your birthday is tomorrow and you turn 55 tomorrow, then you are currently 54.

*If I am giving you an eye exam and I ask you to read the smallest line on the chart, that you are most comfortable reading, and you complain that you cant see the small line..what does that tell you? That its not comfortable for you to read and move up a line on the chart.

I thought some things were common sense in this world, obviously I was mistaken, and will automatically assume you are stupid unless proven otherwise.