Friday, May 20, 2011

Spot Reducing

It's been awhile since I've posted anything-apparently I was busy getting pregnant. We are due in October and are expecting a little boy Greyson Alexander.

Even though I am pregnant I am still keeping up with exercise, I will admit that its something that is very hard to do while you are experiencing all day morning sickness-and I did take a couple of weeks off due to that. Boy did I sure notice a difference when I went back to it though. I now do a program that CrossFitMom generously posts daily. So no, even while you are pregnant you can work out, the idea is to maintain what you've worked so hard for. Please always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program though.

I get a lot of questions about how to tone my belly, what about my legs, I can't get rid of this fat on my hips..and yet you see tons of infomercials promoting products focusing on one area..there are supremely toned and lean professionals selling these products-yet they didn't get that body from strictly doing sit ups and the ab roller for 30 minutes a day. Hours spent taking pills, doing sit ups & using topical creams are all ways to NOT get toned.

Why do they advertise them if they won't work? They appeal to everyone's sense of vulnerability. Spot reducing doesn't work because you can't tell your body where to obliterate fat from-did you tell it where you wanted it to go in the first place?? We store energy in our bodies for later use-it's just what  your body does.

The key to getting toned and healthy is #1. DIET! I can't stress that enough. Lean meats, veggies and low carbs are the key to a healthy diet. #2 is a consistent exercise program - one involved with some cardio and weight training/resistance.

There are no short cuts or easy ways around getting a toned physique-it takes work. When you are ready-I, along with all the staff at are ready to help you achieve the results you want. Our next phase starts May 30th, what are you waiting for??