Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Fat Loss Miracle Journey

So I've started working out again - 7 weeks post baby. I'm still not able to CrossFit like I want to, they said give it another couple of weeks, but I did go to boot camp. I started on Halloween..scary ehh. Musta been a full moon to get me to go since I was up with the babe quite a bit that night.

Working out was hard. It felt like I was starting from scratch again, I guess that's what pregnancy, plus 6 weeks of hospital bed rest will do for your body. Ugh. I have lead filled tree trunk legs...at least that's the amount of work I got out of them or at least seemed to. I almost even fell down some steps face first, now THAT would have been a sight to see. But I've started my journey and am going to write about it after each work out or weekly, whichever I have time for. I'd like for other people to know that it can be done because I'm going to do it, and that means its anyone's own will power to do what they want to do.